What is D.E.S.C?

D.E.S.C is a highly secure, virtually contained environment for sharing data. This data - contributed to the environment by one or more parties - can be shared with individuals or with a team of collaborators.

We have taken a proven delivery platform (Desktop-as-a-Service) and created a highly secure data sharing tool. D.E.S.C is specifically designed to quickly and cost effectively create large numbers of secure remote desktops and easily control the data made available, all without involving technical support.

D.E.S.C was born in the cloud and requires no setup or intervention from your IT department. Not ready for the cloud? No problem! D.E.S.C can be installed on to your current corporate system.

Simple and Easy

  • Step 1

    Any designated employee can create a secure D.E.S.C and upload files to share with one or many external parties.

  • Step 2

    Notify approved external parties that they can remotely connect to the secure D.E.S.C from their Windows, iOS or Android device.

  • Step 3

    Approved internal and external parties can create, share and edit documents in their native format within the secure D.E.S.C.

Secure and Scalable

D.E.S.C eliminates the need for IT involvement each time you need a secure workspace to share data with an external party. Any designated employee can provision secure workspaces and grant access to external users to unique sets of data with appropriate controls – such as calendar date availability – in just a few minutes. D.E.S.C was designed to accommodate an enormous amount of unique requests for secure workspaces and user accounts.

  • Unlimited Workspaces
  • TBs Cloud Storage
  • 18 Datacenters
  • 256-bit Encryption, HTTPS-only Connections
  • 3 Industry Recognized Security Audits

User accounts are managed through Active Directory and any administrative logins require multi-factor authentication. Within D.E.S.C, all uploaded data is securely at rest and contained in the workspace. Tightly controlled interfaces will allow external users to request to export data, but only if you want the data to be "in motion." Finally, all activity in your D.E.S.C is audited and logged, creating an extensive audit trail.

Collaborate and Contain

  • D.E.S.C allows single or multiple parties to contribute data to a secure workspace.
  • External users granted access to the D.E.S.C can view, edit or contribute data and collaborate with other parties.
  • D.E.S.C retains a single, authoritative copy of data for an unlimited number of access requests, users, or collaborating parties.